Price Boulevard Widening Project


  Price Bouelvard Open House (7).jpg     Price Bouelvard Open House (8).jpg

July 20, 2024: The City hosted an Open House for residents to attend and learn more about the project. City staff was on hand to answer questions and concerns. 87 residents were in attendance.

New price timeline 0824

Latest Updates 

July 20, 2024

The City hosted a successful open house to provide an opportunity to learn more about the project. City staff was on hand to help answer questions, and 87 residents ended up attending.

March 19, 2024

  • Construction, Engineering and Inspection firm AECOM contract was approved by the Commission on February 27, 2024.
  • Final plans are nearing completion and the Department of Public Works anticipates advertising a solicitation for a contractor in June 2024.
  • Commission consideration of the construction contract in September/October 2024.
  • Construction work on Price Boulevard Widening, Phase I from Sumter to Toledo Blade expected to begin Fall 2024.

The Rundown 

Key Features
  • Four travel lanes/two in each direction
  • A continuous bi-directional center left lane
  • A ten feet wide multi-use path on each side of the roadway
Important Dates
  • Spring 2023 - Fall 2024: Advertisement of solicitation and selection/approval of contractor
  • Late 2024 - Early 2025: Roadway construction begins
  • Fall 2026: Estimated completion of roadwork

Project Features

By the Numbers
  • Price Boulevard widening from two lanes to four lanes between Toledo Blade and Sumter boulevards
  • The project is approximately 2.8 miles in length
  • New traffic signal mast-arm infrastructure at three major intersections: Salford Boulevard, Cranberry Boulevard, Chamberlain Boulevard
  • All traffic signals including Sumter Boulevard and Toledo Blade Boulevard will be interconnected and synchronzied
  • Five miles of culvert drainage pipe
  • Twelve drainage (stormwater) detention ponds
  • Emergency traffic signal to be installed at Citizens Parkway for Fire/EMS
  • 6.3 miles of Type "F" curb and gutter
  • Approximately 14,347 tons of asphalt
  • 183 drainage curb inlets
  • 5.6 miles of 10-foot-wide concrete multi-use path
  • 21,000 landscape plants (primarily around drainage ponds)
  • LED lighted fountains at each pond
  • 246 street lights
  • Bi-directional left-turn lane (stamped concrete surface)

What will the road look like?

You can see what the initial design of the road will look like projected over the current roadway by viewing the Price Boulevard Map Projection(PDF, 9MB). Additionally, you can see what a typical section of the road will look like both on the main strip and approaching intersections by viewing the Price Boulevard Typical Section and Intersection Infographic(PDF, 490KB).

Temporary Construction Easement

Property owners on Price Boulevard will need to sign and return a Temporary Construction Easement and Right of Entry form, which gives the City temporary permission to access your property, primarily to remove and reconstruct a new driveway and do ancillary work to adjust your front yard to meet the new road and sidewalk. View an example of the Temporary Construction Easement and Right of Entry form(PDF, 130KB).

Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions

Q: When will the project start?

A: The contractor may begin mobilizing in late 2024, but the major road work will start in early 2025.

Q: When will the project be complete?

A: The construction is estimated to take approximately three years to complete, with substantial completion estimated in late 2027.

Q: What will be the speed limit during and after construction?

A: The speed limit during and after construction will be 40 mph. However, please be cognizant of worker safety when travelling on Price Boulevard and slow down for workers along the road.

Q: Will the road be open during construction?

A: The road will remain open to traffic as much as possible during construction. On occasion, there may be the need for periodic lane or road closures to accommodate specific construction tasks. These will be communicated and signed in advance.

Q: Will the sidewalks be open during construction?

A: At least one sidewalk is expected to be open to pedestrian traffic as much as possible throughout construction.

Q: What will the hours of work be?

A: Construction will be allowed on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Occasional night time or weekend work may be needed for specific construction tasks. Work will not be permitted on city holidays.

Q: What will the new road look like?

A: : The new road section will have two lanes in each direction and a continuous bi-directional turn lane down the center. Sidewalks will be provided on both sides, and the roadside swales will be replaced with a closed curb and gutter drainage system.

Q: Will the new road have pedestrian and bicycle accommodations?

A: A 10-foot-wide multi-use path will be provided on both sides of the roadway.

Q: How much will it cost?

A: Construction estimates are approximately $60 million. A final cost will be known when the City selects a contractor.

Q: How is the project being funded?

A: The project will be funded with bond approved by voters in 2022.

Q: What is the plan in case of a hurricane?

A: In the event of a hurricane or tropical storm warning, the work site will be cleaned of any loose debris and all equipment and materials secured or relocated. The road will be opened to traffic, conditions permitting.

Questions Pertaining to Residences on Price Boulevard

Q: How close to my house will the road be?

A: The part of your house closest to the road should be approximately 50 ft. from the road. For homes on the south side of the street, the back of the sidewalk will fall approximately where the culvert pipe is currently sitting. For homes on the north side of the street, the back of the sidewalk will sit roughly in the same place as the existing back of sidewalk.

Q: How will I get my mail during construction?

A: The city will coordinate with U.S.P.S. and work out a plan and process to sustain postal service. Residents will be advised and updated as/when plans and the process are finalized.

Q: How will the city pick-up my garbage during road construction?

A: The city will develop a plan and process to sustain garbage pick-up service. Residents will be advised and updated as/when plans and process are finalized.

Q: What will happen to my driveway?

A: The part of your driveway in the city road right-of-way will be removed and replaced to conform to the new road. You incur no costs for this work.

Q: What if I have a paver driveway?

A: Your pavers will be used again as part of your new driveway. If your pavers can not be reused, the driveway will be replaced with a paver as visually similar as possible to the existing driveway.

Q: What if my driveway is painted?

A: Your new driveway will be painted as close as possible to match your previous/existing driveway color.

Q: How will the new road affect my front yard?

A: The edge of the new sidewalk will be approximately where your swale is now. The swale will be filled in and a portion of the front yard may be graded and sodded to continue to drain toward the road.

Q: Why do I have to sign the easement form?

A: The easement form gives the city temporary permission to access your property, primarily to remove and reconstruct a new driveway and do ancillary work to adjust your front yard to meet the new road and sidewalk.

Q: How long will I be without a driveway?

A: You may be without a driveway for up to 8 days to allow for concrete to cure when your new driveway is poured.

Q: Where do I park when I have no driveway?

A: The city’s contractor will be responsible to provide an acceptable location and access to your home while your new driveway is under construction.

Q: How will I get into my house when my driveway is being replaced?

A: The city will require the road contractor to coordinate with each resident, as needed, to sustain access at all times from the area under construction to a point of entry into your house.

Q: What will happen to any landscaping/trees in the temporary construction easement?

A: Any trees or landscaping in the temporary construction easement will be replaced.

Q: What will happen to my mailbox?

A: All residents will receive a new mailbox. All the new mailboxes will be the same.

Q: What if I have any landscape timbers or landscaping affected by the work?

A: All affected landscaping, or otherwise, will be replaced or modified to preconstruction conditions as much as practicable.


More Information

For a review of the history and timeline of the Price Boulevard Widening Project, click here(PDF, 195KB).

To learn more information on the Price Boulevard Widening Project, call the dedicated voicemail box for the project at (941) 240-6960, email, or fill out the form below for the latest updates via email.

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