North Port Budget Input



Community Budget Input Meetings:

View the May 7 meetings:

May 7 Presentation(PPTX, 8MB)

View the recording of the April 16 virtual meeting:


April 16 Presentation(PDF, 2MB)


Other input opportunities:

Budget Tool

We asked the community to use our online Community Budget Tool to show us how they’d spend $100 between the City's strategic priorities. City Commission set these priorities as part of their strategic planning process. Priorities include Safe Community, Quality of Life, Economic Development & Growth Management, Environmental Resiliency & Sustainability, Infrastructure & Facilities and Good Governance.

Attendance and participation:

As of June 5, 2024, this forum had 465 visits equivalent to 9.6 hours of public comment and 100 registered budgets submitted. Download the full report which includes all 100 registered budgets here(PDF, 398KB).

Budget City Commission Workshops

Budget Workshops: The City Commission Budget Workshops begin on March 19, with several more to follow before a budget is adopted this fall. Public comment and participation are always welcome. Comments can be submitted via voicemail, email, or in person.

March 19, 2024 City Commission Workshop

Performance Dashboards

Performance Dashboards: View performance dashboards for various City Departments to track their progress toward their goals.



For questions or comments regarding the budget, email