Plan Submittal Requirements
Dear Contractors/Engineers or Architects:
All plans submitted to the City of North Port’s Fire Prevention Division shall provide a code footprint, as required by Florida Fire Prevention Code, 7th Edition, § 1.14 thus establishing a graphic submittal format for every newly constructed building, new building addition, and changes in occupancy, or significant building renovation as outlined. The code footprint records and maps existing features and provides key performance information for fire and life safety throughout the life span of a building. A code footprint should be submitted in the early plan development stages of a construction project to the AHJ for acceptance.
To help you expedite with the plan review and permitting process for a Building, Fire Alarm, Automatic Sprinkler (Commercial or Residential) or Fire Suppression System Plan Submittal, we are requiring that you to adhere to the guidelines as set forth in the Florida Fire Prevention Code (FFPC), 7th Edition, NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2016 Edition, NFPA 13 – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler System, 2016 Edition, NFPA 13D – Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, 2016 Edition, NFPA 13R - Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies, 2016 Edition, the Florida Administrative Code (FAC), § 61G15 – Board of Professional Engineers or any other document outlined by the FFPC, State Fire Marshal (SFM) Uniform Fire Safety Rules, Florida Statutes and City of North Port’s Unified Land Development Code (ULDC).
For our office to provide you with the most professional and proficient of services, you will need to review what would be required for your submittal requirements and compile those documents as necessary. When you submit documents for review it is required that you follow § 61G15 of the FAC, it is important that you include the Engineering Documents along with the application for the general building permit. Documentation required at time of submittal are outlined below.
All plans submitted to the City of North Port’s Fire Prevention Division will be reviewed in the order of receipt without exception. The process of review of individual project or construction documents shall allow approximately twelve (12) business days from the time of submittal and acceptance prior to the issuance of the appropriate permits.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Fire Prevention Division for the North Port Fire Rescue District at (941) 240-8180.
Florida Fire Prevention Code, 2020, 7th Edition (NFPA 1, 2018 EDITION)
(As amended by the City of North Port’s Local AHJ in accordance with FFPC 1.14.3 and the City of North Port’s Uniform Land Development Code as adopted)
1.14 Plan Review
1.14.1 Where required by the AHJ for new construction, modification, or rehabilitation, construction documents and shop drawings shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to the start of such work as provided in Section 1.14.
1.14.2 The applicant shall be responsible to ensure that the following conditions are met:
(1) The construction documents include all the fire protection requirements.
(2) Appropriate designer information and seal for each trade shall be provided.
(3) The shop drawings are correct and in compliance with the applicable codes and standards.
(4) Fire Code Information Block based upon the FFPC to be listed on the cover sheet in addition to the Building Code Information Block.
(5) The contractor maintains an approved set of construction documents on site.
1.14.3 It shall be the responsibility of the AHJ to promulgate rules that cover the following:
Criteria to meet the requirements of Section 1.14
Review of documents and construction documents within established time frames for acceptance or providing reasons for non-acceptance
1.14.4 Review and approval by the AHJ shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of compliance with this Code.
1.14.5 When required by the AHJ, revised construction documents or shop drawings shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval to illustrate corrections or modifications necessitated by field conditions or other revisions to approved plans.
The following are code footprint minimum requirements that should be shown:
(1) Classification of Occupancy in accordance with FFPC, 7th Edition
(2) The schematic floor
(3) Graphic bar scale
(4) North indicator
(5) Complete building floor plan with clear identification of new, remodeled, and existing portions (KEY PLAN)
(6) All permanent walls or partitions with design cut sheets of each (if applicable appropriate nationally recognized listing)
(7) Each room and space labeled with plain text, keynotes, or legends
(8) Door Schedules with appropriate fire-rating classifications
(9) Window Schedules shall be listed (if applicable appropriate fire-rating classifications)
(10) Interior wall, ceiling and floor finishes with required fire classification
(11) Furnishings, Bedding or Decorations with appropriate fire-rating classification (if applicable)
(12) Occupant load of assembly rooms and total for each floor level
(13) Stair and shaft enclosures and ratings with identification of openings and ratings
(14) Rated corridors and openings with identification of openings and ratings
(15) Occupancy and area separations
(16) Horizontal exit arrangements, exit passageways, and smoke compartments
(17) Accurate travel distances
(18) Designated required exterior exits and capacity
(19) Fire department connections (hydrants, exterior standpipe, or sprinkler system)
(20) Fire Department Access to property and buildings
(21) Power and fuel shutoff locations (Building Utilities provided)
(22) Small-scale site plan when available
(23) Distances to exposures and property lines
(24) Grade elevation at each corner
(25) Any special hazards or conditions and appropriate Protection of Hazards
(26) Location of any planned additions
The following information should be in the narrative:
(1) Project construction purpose: New, addition, change in use, renovation, or other
(2) Reason for submittal: Building permit and certificate of occupancy, new licensure, or Plan of Correction for existing code deficiencies
(3) Codes of record and other requirements or regulations (Appropriate Fire Codes for reference in accordance with FFPC, State Fire Marshal (SFM) Uniform Fire Safety Rules, Florida Statues and City of North Port’s Unified Land Development Code)
(4) Building location or address
(5) Owner and facility name
(6) Date developed and revision dates
(7) Designer's information (name, address, and phone number)
(8) Designer's seal (RA or PE)
(9) Name of responding fire services
(10) Name of local building code jurisdiction
(11) Classification of Occupancy(s) in accordance with FFPC, 7th Edition
(12) Type of construction in accordance with The Florida Building Code, 7thEdition (IBC, 2018 Edition)
(13) Total floor area of each occupancy actual versus allowable
(14) Structural code requirements such as the following:
(a) Height:
i. Structural fire ratings actual versus allowable
ii. Identification of active fire protection features such as: type of automatic suppression systems and locations; fire alarm signaling systems; emergency lighting and power features; smoke control system
(b) Decision matrix
(c) Hazardous materials identified by the fire code hazard class:
i. In storage: inside; outside
ii. In-use open systems: inside; outside
iii. In-use closed systems: inside; outside
(d) Water supply requirements of the facility for fire suppression in accordance with FFPC, 1:18.3 – 18.5 for Fire Hydrant Flow, Locations and Distribution and City of North Port Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), Chapter 60.
(e) Alternative design and/or methods of construction
(f) Modifications of codes and board of appeals case number