A $122 million option with 108,000 square feet of space (30,00 square feet of shell space) is recommended by the consultant and is being considered by the City Commission, accounting for the future growth of the City and police force through 2065. The cost breakdown is roughly $100 million in construction costs and $22 million for other project costs, including architecture and engineering (A/E) fees, furniture, information technology (IT) and contingency fees.
The other model for consideration is a $100 million model, which includes roughly $85 million in construction costs and $15 million for other project costs, including A/E fees, furniture, IT and contingency fees. The buildout of this project would allow for growth until 2050 by creating 6,000 square feet of shell space but reduce the square footage in the main building by 9,000 square feet.is not recommended by staff, the architect, design team or NPPD to build a Police headquarters model that is below $100 million. If done, it would value engineer too many of the needed features out of the design.