Community Rating System (CRS) & Flood Insurance
Community Rating System (CRS)
The City is currently a Class 5 community in the CRS program, providing property owners whose property lies within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) with a 25 percent reduction in their flood insurance premium. Additionally, properties within the City that do not lie within the SFHA receive a 5 percent reduction in their flood insurance premium should they elect such coverage. Please keep in mind that the standard homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover flood damage. There is a 30-day waiting period before National Flood Insurance Program coverage takes effect. Contact your insurance agent for additional information on rates and coverage. If you do not have an insurance agent, contact the NFIP agent referral service at 1-800-225-5356.
The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) was implemented in 1990 as a program for recognizing and encouraging community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP standards. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 codified the Community Rating System in the NFIP.
Under the CRS, flood insurance premium rates are adjusted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from community activities that meet the three goals of the CRS:
- Reduce flood losses
- Facilitate accurate insurance rating
- Promote awareness of flood insurance
Community Costs and Benefits
No fee is charged for a community to apply for participation in the CRS. The only costs the community incurs are those of implementing creditable floodplain management activities and staff time.
There are many benefits to the community to join the CRS in addition to reduced flood insurance rates. CRS floodplain management activities provide enhanced public safety, a reduction in damage to property and public infrastructure, avoidance of economic disruption and losses, reduction of human suffering, and protection of the environment.
CRS Classification structure is based on credit points earned. For example, a Class 1 community has a 45 percent premium reduction in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and a Class 10 community has a zero percent reduction.
FEMA Elevation Certificates
Accurate flood insurance rating zone and building elevation data is available in the City's archives of elevation certificates. This database is accessible by Parcel Identification Number (PID). Please view the Elevation Certificates page to access the database.
Floodplain Management Plan
A Floodplain Management Plan (FMP) (Part 1(PDF, 31MB), Part 2(PDF, 33MB), Part 3(PDF, 42MB), Part 4(PDF, 45MB)) prepared per the requirements of the CRS program is an annex to the Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Plan(PDF, 38MB). The CRS program requires an annual Floodplain Management Plan Progress Report(PDF, 16MB). The FMP and the annual progress report summarizes flood control projects, stormwater management activities, flood map revision, floodplain management ordinance revisions and public outreach conducted. The Plan also proposes future continuation of these flood preventative activities.