FEMA Flood Map Updates
Updated on March 22, 2024
The revised Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Coastal Risk Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) are effective March 27, 2024, modifying portions of the City of North Port that are influenced by storm surge, high tides and wave action in additions to freshwater inputs. These FIRMs show major changes in the special flood hazard area (SFHA) flood zone AE boundaries and base flood elevations (BFEs) for the North Port areas with tidal influences near the Myakkahatchee Creek and Myakka River.
The major areas with changes include the following:
- Areas West of Myakka River
- Portions of Gran Paradiso, The Preserve, Renaissance, Oasis, Lake Geraldine
- Portions of Wellen Park (aka West Villages)
- Myakka State Forest
- Areas East of Myakka River
- Portions of Talon Bay
- Duck Key
- Residential and commercial areas north and south of US41 near Myakkahatchee Creek and interconnected waterways with tidal influences.
You can view the revised FEMA Coastal Risk Flood Maps effective March 27, 2024, on the City's Interactive Map Application. Please read the following instructions first:
- Users will first need to check the box to acknowledge the disclaimer.
- Enter your address, property ID (same as Tax ID), owner’s name or street name in the box in the top left corner to the screen and click on the “search” magnifying glass tool.
- Alternatively, use the zoom “+” tool to get close up of the property. The aerial showing the property will come into view automatically when zoomed in.
- Click on the “Layers List” icon in the top right corner of the tool bar to select the layers of interest and make sure the layer “FEMA Coastal Risk Flood Maps effective March 27, 2024” is selected. Turn off other layers to provide clarity. The red overlay is the high risk flood zone AE.
- Left click anywhere on the property to bring up the dialogue box corresponding to the location of the “click”. There is a triangular arrow near the top right of the dialogue box that you can click to get more information on each layer that is selected.
- For the areas north of US 41 and east of the Myakka River, select the layer named “Current FEMA Flood Maps Nov 4, 2016." The 100-year base flood elevation (BFE) for properties within the drainage "Sub-Basins" layer green boundary, can be found at the corresponding "Junction Base Flood Elevation" layer represented by the “yellow dot”.
- To print the map, click on the print icon, click "Advanced", select "map extent", then "Print."
FEMA and the City of North Port recommend that you talk to your insurance agent and lender as soon as possible now, to see if you need flood insurance and how the new FEMA Flood Insurance Risk Rating Method 2.0 will affect your flood insurance rate.
Listen in to this podcast with Stormwater Manager Elizabeth Wong explaining more about the changes.
Additional Resources Regarding Map Changes and Flood Insurance