Road and Drainage District
The North Port Road and Drainage District has created this web page to provide information to the residents and citizens of North Port regarding its Special District status (Florida Statute 189.069). Links within the information below will take you to other sections of Road and Drainage pages or City website which also contains District information.
Public Purpose Statement
The public purpose of the North Port Road and Drainage District is to provide road and drainage service throughout the geographical boundaries of the City of North Port(PDF, 314KB) as defined by the districts approved methodology of services.
Governing Body
Our governing body is the North Port City Commission who are elected by residents within the geographical boundaries of the City and hold a term of four years. View our currently elected Commissioners and meeting dates and times of the governing body.
Creation Document
State Statute directs that the creation of a dependent Special District be adopted by ordinance of the municipality having jurisdiction. In 1985, pursuant to the authority contained in Chapters 165, 166, and 170, Florida Statutes, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 85-193, creating a Road Maintenance and Drainage District (RMDD). In April 1986, the North Port City Commission adopted Ordinance 86-199, amending Ordinance No. 85-193, renaming the District to the Road and Drainage District (RDD). View the current North Port Road and Drainage Charter and authorizing ordinance.
Budget and Finances
The District begins its operating budget year on October 1st of each year and completes on September 30th of the following year. Budgets are created by staff and proposed and adopted by the Commission through public workshops and hearings. View the current adopted, tentative budget and budget resolution. Each year the District has an independent audit conducted pursuant to State and Federal laws. View the adopted Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
North Port Road and Drainage District Annual Financial Report submitted to Florida Department of Financial Services.
Contact/Mailing information for the District
Public Works Department
1100 N. Chamberlain Boulevard
North Port. FL 34286
(941) 240-8063 Fax
(941) 240-8050 Office
Fees and Assessments
City of North Port funds Road and Drainage Services for its citizens through non-ad valorem assessments and fees. Click the below links to view current schedules:
Everyone representing the District maintains a high ethical standard of conduct. The Florida Commission on Ethics has a website containing generally-applicable ethics provisions.
Contact Us
Any questions about any information found on this page or for any inquiries, contact the registered agent:
Garrett Woods
Senior Business Manager - Public Works Department
1100 N. Chamberlain Boulevard
North Port, FL 34286
Phone: (941) 240-8087