Parks Weather Alerts

About the outdoor lightning alert system

The City of North Port has installed a lightning warning system at various locations to alert residents using the facilities and surrounding areas. It is the most accurate system and new standard in lightning detection technology.

When the system detects lightning within eight miles of the facility, the air horn sounds an uninterrupted fifteen-second blast and a strobe light will activate.

Athletic Fields and Parks

If the alarm sounds while utilizing one of our parks and/or athletic fields, please take cover for your safety. If the alarm is activated, you should seek shelter in a building or a closed vehicle immediately.  Please do not return to outside activity until the all clear has been signaled. A golf cart or pavilion are NOT considered to be a safe locations to avoid the risk of a lightning strike.  

North Port Aquatic Center and Warm Mineral Springs Park

If you're at the North Port Aquatic Center or Warm Mineral Springs Park when the horn and/or the light activates, the lifeguards will direct you to clear the area and seek shelter indoors for thirty minutes. Each time lightning is detected within eight miles, the alert system timer resets to thirty minutes and begins counting down again.

When the system no longer detects a threat, three five-second blasts from the horn will sound and the strobe light will stop flashing. The lifeguards will announce when the pool/springs reopens.

Rainout Line

Unforeseen weather is a main reason for field closures within our parks system. Sign up for for your one-stop notification service and always be the first to know when fields are closed.

There’s three ways to sign up:

  1. Download the free iPhone or Android app to your phone by searching “Rainout Line.”
  2. Visit and search for “North Port Parks & Rec.”
  3. Call 941-841-4410 and listen for prompts.

Please note that the app is only updated during normal business hours of operation. This does not include nights or weekends at this time.

Athletic Fields and Facilities


Lightning Alerts

How to read the widgets

  • A red Active Alert means the pool, athletic field or park will remain closed until there is a green No Alert.
  • If the Connection is Down or Not Set please check with the staff to see if the pool, athletic field or park is open.

Check the alerts widget below for up-to-date notification on active alerts and the anticipated time until all clear conditions are expected to be met.

Please note: the hours of operation on the WeatherBug widget are for the lightning alerting system NOT the athletic fields, North Port Aquatic Center or Warm Mineral Springs Park.