Why can’t I download the app or get it to open? If the app won’t open, you may not have enough storage on your device or your device is not compatible with the app. Make sure your device’s software is up to date.
The hunt did not load. What happened? You need a strong signal to download the hunt. Do not let your device go to sleep during the download or it won’t fully load, and you will need to start the download process again.
How do I get access to the hunt? Take a selfie by tapping on the camera button in the middle of the circle on the screen. Enter your name by tapping and typing where indicated in the white space below your selfie. Tap “Join Hunt.” This button will only appear once the hunt is fully downloaded.
I don’t have a “Join Hunt” button? Ensure that you have taken your selfie and typed in your team name. You may also need to wait until the hunt fully downloads. There will be a status bar at the bottom of the screen indicating if the hunt is fully downloaded or not.
The App froze, now what do I do? Hard close and reopen the App.
What if I want to use a different phone to access the hunt after I’ve started playing? On the original device, go to the menu and tap on “Settings.” Tap on “Transfer To Another Device.” There you will see instructions on how to switch to another device. All of your progress in the hunt will be saved and transferred to the new device.
Can I turn off the sounds in the hunt? Yes – from the main menu, tap on “Settings” and then tap “Disable Sounds.”
Do I have to complete the task immediately when it opens? No – you may choose to complete tasks at any time. Simply tap “Later” to get back to the menu or game board.
Why can’t I see where to input the answer to a question asked in the hunt? You may need to scroll down to see all the multiple-choice possible answers or the box to input a text answer.
How do I take a photo? Always take photos directly within the hunt app. You may need to scroll down to see the “Take Photo” button on your screen.
Can I retake my selfie in the hunt? Once you have joined the hunt, you cannot change your profile picture. However, you are the only one who will see this photo.
Notes for Android Users: For optimum performance on an Android device turn WiFi on, allow access “All the time” for Camera and Files & Media, do not use in “Airplane Mode,” and avoid using “Power Saving Mode.”